Elder Care

No man is an island. From first breath to last, we humans are interconnected in so many ways, relying in our vulnerable moments on those people we trust the most. When vulnerability goes hand-in-hand with aging, as it so often does, the welfare of senior family members becomes a very real concern.

We at Nicola Yester & Co. have too often seen how the simple act of aging can leave a cherished relative in a precarious financial situation. From struggling with previously straightforward tasks like balancing a checkbook and paying household bills to managing the more complex demands of investment portfolios and trusts, there comes a time when our loved ones require a level of professional and ongoing assistance that most of us are just not in a position to provide.

That is why our Elder Care Services are managed by a team of vigilant, caring, and knowledgeable professionals, people who are deeply committed to safeguarding your parents’ and/or grandparents’ best interests and keeping you informed and up to date every step of the way. After all, your peace of mind is just as important as theirs.

So, whether your loved one needs just enough support to enjoy worry-free days or requires comprehensive oversight as their independence slips away, we can provide the assistance you need in any of the following areas:

  • Managing the paying, budgeting, balancing, and record-keeping of household expenses.
  • Assistance with check writing and checkbook balancing.
  • Ensuring that all anticipated income is received, receipted, and deposited.
  • Offering guidance regarding household issues and unexpected situations.
  • Handling ordinary financial transactions such as home repairs and routine maintenance, as well as unexpected ones like emergency medical expenses.
  • Supervising retirement account distributions and safeguarding against improper disbursements.
  • Overseeing personal, financial, and legal documents to determine requirements to be met.
  • Preparing inventories of personal assets and investments.
  • Identifying and planning for retirement income, necessity, and goals.
  • Determining current and long-term cash flow needs through expert income and expense analysis.
  • Answering questions about lifestyle, Social Security, pensions, Medicare, and long-term insurance.
  • Monitoring investment portfolio and other assets in conjunction with outside investment advisors.
  • Preparing, planning, and filing income, trust, gift, and estate taxes.

Being well prepared for what lies ahead is the best way to avoid complications once it arrives. Contact us today to learn more about our Elder Care Services, and how they can help you and your family members devise an optimal plan for financial independence and freedom.

Closed on Fridays

Our office will be closed on Fridays beginning July 5th – August 30th, 2024