Bank Financing

Your business is growing, and now you need additional capital for it to really flourish. Nicola Yester can help you present your business to lenders in the best possible light. The keys to a successful loan application are research, preparation – and approaching it from the bank’s perspective.



Our team will evaluate your funding needs, financial statements, and collateral, organize your supporting documentation, and prepare a strong financing proposal for you:

  • Executive Summary: We’ll succinctly state the purpose of the loan, the amount required, a description of what it is for, and how it will be used.
  • Pro-forma Cash Budgets and Financial Statements: Using your financial data, profit & loss statements, and underlying assumptions, we’ll demonstrate your case for borrowing and repayment.
  • Owners Personal Financial Statements: We include copies of recent personal tax returns and identify the collateral being pledged as security for the loan.
  • Representation: We make ourselves available to your banker to substantiate your financial needs and position.


Contact our office today to learn more about the right approach for getting the funding you need to grow your business.

Closed on Fridays

Our office will be closed on Fridays beginning July 5th – August 30th, 2024